Summer Reading Favorites 

I love reading, so I hate when I’m at school and hardly have time for leisure reading. However, that is what summer is for. I always work on a reading list second semester of school, and order the books off of Amazon as soon as I get home.

For the first half of the summer, I picked out four books that I thought were a diverse group. I tend to stick with YA books, because YA authors seem to be the best right now, and I find coming-of-age type of stories far more interesting than ~boring~ adult stories. Y’know?

Taylor’s Summer Reading List Part 1: *Click on pictures for descriptions/ purchase options

1. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, by Jesse Andrews


I found out about this book from the movie that comes out TODAY! It received rave reviews and won the two biggest prizes at Sundance Film Festival. This is way enough to spark my interest. It’s always fun to read a good book and get a good movie adaptation to go along with it.

2. Yes Please, by Amy Poehler


I always love reading a non-fiction piece by a favorite female comedian. Everyone loves Amy, and this book will having you laughing out loud (I found that out on a plane). It’s funny, witty, and smart.

3. Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell


I picked this book mostly because of the title. I relate to it a lot. Also, Rainbow Rowell is one of the best YA authors out there right now. She writes complex, true to life stories filled with diverse characters. I’m obsessed with her writing. 

4. An Abundance of Katherines, by John Green


What can I say? I’m a sucker for John Green. I really enjoyed An Abundance of Katherines because they main character was not what you would expect. He is a socially awkward genius that doesn’t have many friends. Not your average protagonist if you ask me. It’s a fun story and an easy read. Bonus: If you haven’t read Paper Townsyou should get on that. It’s an incredible, exciting read! The movie, starring Nat Wolff, comes out July 24.

Enjoy the list! I would love to here your thoughts on the books and suggestions for further lists!

Xo, Tay “I’m seriously addicted to books”

5 thoughts on “Summer Reading Favorites 

  1. The Simple Beginner says:

    I’ve seen that first book you’ve mentioned but never really have thought to read it…I might buy it next time in store (even though I have a few books unread!). I’m a sucker for John Green too but I haven’t read An Abundance of Katherines yet.

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